We need to apply St. Ignatius' teachings into our life, hence it will impact ourselves and the people for the betterment. It will encourage them to follow God and be compassionate towards multiple people. For the greater glory of God and the salvation of humanity!

St. Ignatius

Ad majórem Dei glóriam

We can apply St. Ignatius teachings by..

  • Preach the word of God to the people.

  • Have obedience especially to God.

  • Teach good values.

Other various ways

  • Have a close relationship with God by praying and reading the Bible.

  • Donating and engaging in Charity events.

  • Serving the poor.

  • Be compassionate to others.

"Love is shown more in deeds than in words." - St. Ignatius

Scenario #1
One of your friends was diagnosed with severe depression including a defective mental health, you always check up and comfort him/her, consequently it lessens his/her mental pain.
Scenario #2
One of your relatives or friends influenced you to engage in charity events. Hence, you serve the poor nearly everyday. Thus, it improved your optimism and happiness.
Scenario #3
You read the Bible and go to mass very often. Your bond and faith to God is immeasurable. Then, you started teaching and preaching infront of people and your peers. It helped and encourage a good amount of people to believe in the presence of God.

"Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God."
- St. Ignatius